Student Handbook
Morristown Hamblen High School West
1 Trojan Trail
Morristown, TN 37813
Phone: 423-581-1600
Fax: 423-585-3791
Mr. Jeff Kinsler
Assistant Principals
Mr. Calvin Decker
Mr. Tim Landefeld
Mrs. Patty Sigler
This agenda book belongs to:
City/Town: Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Student Number:
![Trojan Trojan](
*This handbook contains most of the school board policies that are relevant to high school students. The policies within this handbook are subject to change through school board policy or administrative decisions.
The Hamblen County Board of Education believes that improvement of student achievement is the most significant task of the school district. We affirm our intent in the following ways:
• Openly evaluating data on student achievement indicators
• Discussing processes that affect the instructional program
• Examining the impact of the district's course of study on learning
• Reviewing or revising district goals to focus on student progress
• Striving to find methods to remove barriers to learning
Furthermore, this board commits to informing district staff, students, parents and the community about student achievement in our schools and how our local data compares to common measurements in Tennessee, nationally and with relation to other comparable school systems. Therefore, the Hamblen County Board of Education resolves that:
• Each student in our district is expected to participate in school for the ultimate purpose of academic scholarship
• Every employee of our public schools will devote his or her work toward ensuring and enhancing students' learning success
• The director of schools will recommend and implement initiatives and expenditures that clearly support and advance student learning success
• The board of education will devote meeting time to topics that directly support and enhance student learning success
(This resolution is to be posted in each school, included in parent/student handbooks, and published on the school district website and in the district newsletter as of July 19, 2004.)
West High School Statement of Beliefs -
We believe...
• Our students' education and safety should be the main focus of all decisions at Morristown Hamblen High School West
• By continuously striving to improve, students become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners
• Administrators, teachers, students, parents and the community should share the responsibility for advancing the school's mission
• Our students deserve the opportunity to obtain the skills and knowledge that will enable them to solve problems and to produce quality work
• Each student has unique physical social, emotional and intellectual needs, and we will endeavor to meet those needs
• A student's self-esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among students and staff
• Challenging curricula with appropriate instruction accommodates different learning styles and increases student performance.
West High Mission Statement -
Morristown Hamblen High School West will provide a student-centered educational program, which will provide a student-oriented educational program which promotes the enlightening of our students in three basic area; Communication, Problem-Solving and Responsibility. In it's most basic form, the mission is to provide every student with "CPR" for life.
West High Vision Statement -
MHHSW is diligently attempting to integrate rigor, relevance, and relationships in all aspects of life in the Trojan Nation where a diverse learning community and individual achievement is the norm rather than the exception.
Alma Mater -
Morristown West High, how we love thee;
our Alma Mater hail.
The white and crimson banner we will
honor without fail.
Long thy sons will sing thy praises
and the Trojan name adore;
Whose spirit we shall carry with us
now and evermore.
Trojan Nation Information
Adding and Dropping Courses
Adding and dropping courses must occur within the first five days of a term and only with the approval of the administration. Only necessary changes will be made. After the five-day deadline, students dropping a course receive an F on their records.
Athletic Directors: Mike Reed and Calvin Decker
MHHSW is a member of the TSSAA. To be eligible to participate in athletics a student must:
• Be in good standing at West High (Incoming freshmen must have been academically promoted to the ninth grade. Grades 10-12 must have earned 6 credits the previous year. All credits must have been earned by the first day of the new school year.)
• Be no older than 18 by August 1st of the new school year
• Meet all TSSAA regulation
• Have insurance
• Have permission of his/her parents or guardians
• Have a current physical
• Live in the West zone with parent and/or guardian
The West High Athletic Department offers participation in the following sports:
Football, Boys/Girls Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Boys/Girls Cross Country, Boys/Girls Swimming, Boys/Girls Golf, Wrestling, Boys/Girls Track, Girls Volleyball, Boys/Girls Soccer, Boys/Girls Tennis, Fishing
Attendance Policy
The Hamblen County Board of Education recognizes that absenteeism is a hindrance to the efficient education of students. Realizing that punctuality and regularity of attendance is necessary for progress of a student at school, the Board has adopted the following attendance policy. Parents, guardians, or other persons having charge and control of a child are held responsible for the child's school attendance.
Sign-out Procedures
Students will be allowed to sign out through the school office under the following conditions:
1. A parent or guardian must come to the office to sign the student out, or...
2. The parent or guardian must call the main office prior to the time that a student is to leave.
3. Students who are 18 years or older may sign themselves out providing they have available parent notes (totaling no more than 5 per semester). Any request over the allowed 5 parent notes must have principal approval.
4. No student will be released to go off campus for lunch!
West High School will not interrupt class time to deliver food, drink, flowers, balloons, etc.
Excused and Unexcused Absences
Students are allowed five (5) excused absences per class each semester. However, even though an absence is excused, it will still count toward loss of credit in a course. Students who have more than ten (10) absences in a class will not receive credit for the class.
Excused absences that DO count against attendance -
• Illness with parent note
• Religious holiday with parent note
• Family emergency with parent note
• Excused at parent's/guardian's discretion with a note
Excused absences that DO NOT count against attendance -
• Illness with excuse from doctor
• Medical/Dental appointment with excuse from doctor
• Legal appointment with excuse from court
• Death in immediate family with funeral note/obituary (this includes parents, siblings or grandparents of student)
Unexcused absences are those, which are not considered appropriate absences according to the laws and regulations of the attendance policy. Unexcused absences may also occur if a student has already used the five (5) excused absences allowed. Unexcused absences DO accumulate for an entire school year and will count toward loss of credit in the class.
IMPORTANT!! Unexcused absences may also result in referral to the Juvenile Court for judicial enforcement of the attendance laws.
Excused and unexcused (Students are considered tardy if they arrive in the classroom after the bell rings). A tardy is missing 20 minutes or less. Missing 21 minutes or more will result in the student being marked absent. This includes early dismissal. Leaving 20 minutes or less early will result in a tardy. Leaving 21 minutes or more before the end of a class will result in an absence.
Excused Tardies - late bus, illness with doctor's note, death in family, medical/ dental appointment, legal.
Unexcused Tardies - Students who are late to first period will receive two warnings before penalties are assessed. Additional tardies for first period and all tardies for other periods will be assessed as follows:
• Tardy #1 First Warning
• Tardy #2 Second Warning
• Tardy #3 One Hour Detention
• Tardy #4 One Hour Detention
• Tardy #5 One Hour Detention
• Tardy #6 Student will be subject to further ALP placement, office referrals, and/or juvenile court.
Absences, Make-Up, and Student Grading
A student is considered present if the student is present at least 70 minutes of a class period. Any high school student who has a passing average, no more than two excused absences, no ALP, no OSS, no unexcused absences, no unexcused tardies, and no Alternative School placement during the nine weeks will have two points added to the nine weeks grade.
Any assignments missed due to any excused absence should be made up as quickly as possible. The number of days missed is the number of days the student will be given to complete the assignment. For example, a student who misses Monday and Tuesday and returns Wednesday will turn in the work due on Monday and Tuesday at the beginning of the class on Friday. Failure of a student to turn in assignments within these guidelines will result in zeros being recorded for the missed assignments. These zeros cannot be waived in figuring a student's final grade and will count as much as the assignments would have counted.
Any high school student who is proven to be truant from a class or for a school day is not eligible to make up missed assignments or tests. Missed high school term exams may be made up only with a doctor's excuse or prior approval from the principal. Missed assignments, quizzes, or tests may only be made up with an excused absence. Absences due to OSS will be considered as unexcused absences. Students who participate in recognized school functions or events are not to be counted absent, but they are responsible for work missed under the above guidelines of the make up policy.
Student Responsibility for Attendance
Students who have more than ten (10) absences, including excused with parent note and unexcused, in a class per semester will not receive credit for that class. If a student transfers from one class to another, their attendance will follow. If dissatisfied with the decision of the school attendance review committee, the student and parent(s) or guardians(s) may, within five days, make a written request for an appeal to the Hamblen County Attendance Review Committee (HCARC).
Excessive Absences of Student 18-Years-Old
Although these students are no longer compelled to abide by the Compulsory School Attendance law, attendance of students who have reached the age of 18 will be in regular attendance. Students who are 18 years of age or older and whose attendance will prevent them from receiving credit will be referred to the HCARC.
College Visitation Days
Seniors are allowed one college visit during the school year that won't cost an attendance day. It is the responsibility of the student for making arrangements, in advance, at the college of their choice. See Ms. Ferguson in the main office for a permission slip, which must be completed and returned to the office at least one week prior to the visit in order to get principal approval. Once the visit is complete, the student must have the college acknowledge the visit on an official college form including the date of the visit and the student's name. Colleges will grant this if students request a "school excuse".
The West High School Cafeteria offers both breakfast and lunch. Breakfast begins at 7:20 and is open until 7:50. Students are given at lunch the choice of a hot lunch or a salad bar. Extra items, such as ice cream and milk, may be purchased in addition to lunch. Students will only be allowed to charge a lunch up to 3 times. Information about free and reduced-price lunches is distributed to each student at the beginning of the year. All students are required to be in the cafeteria during their assigned lunch periods. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch.
Change of Address
It is the responsibility of the guardian to inform the office of any changes of address or telephone number. Any changes must be made in person to the school office.
Clubs at West High School
The Trojan Nation offers a variety of clubs and organizations. Each group encourages students to get involved and participate. Active involvement will enhance your high school career. Contact a club member or sponsor to find out more about your participation.
These clubs are (but not limited to): Art Club, Beta Club, Business Professionals of America, Chamber Choir, DECA, Drama Club, Environmental Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Forensics Club, French Club, Future Farmers of America, Future Teachers of America, German Club, HOSA, Key Club, Latin Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Trojan Scholars, Young Democrats, Young Republicans, VICA, Science Club, Photography Club, Film Club.
Dual Enrollment Courses
These are available for juniors and seniors with a 3.0 GPA and a composite ACT score of 19. The Tennessee Lottery supplies a $300 grant for these courses, one per semester. The student is responsible for the remainder of the payment and textbooks, as well as maintaining a college 3.0 GPA to be eligible for the grant next semester. One-half high school credit is given for each three-hour college course and one high school credit is given for six hours of college credit. The following conversion scale will apply for grades, unless the college gives a specified number grade:
Dual Enrollment Grading -
• College grade 94+5 points= 99 A High School Grade
• College grade 86+5 points= 91 B High School Grade
• College grade 79+5 points= 84 C High School Grade
• College grade 72+5 points= 77 C High School Grade (The high school transcript will reflect a "C" while the college transcript reflects "D")
It is the student's responsibility to turn in a final transcript to the counseling office to receive high school credit. All college classes must be taken during 1st and 4th blocks. No student will be allowed to come to West High's campus, leave and then return to West High. NO attendance points will be added to dual enrollment classes. Any on-campus or dual enrollment class that results in a failing grade cannot be credit recovered until the next term begins.
Only those students with physical handicaps sufficient to prevent safe use of the stairways are permitted to use the elevator. An elevator pass must be obtained from the FRONT OFFICE prior to use of the elevator.
Student Fees
Accounting Cost of Workbook Art $15.00
Business/Computer $5.00 Cosmetology $15.00
Drafting $5.00 Childhood Ed. $10.00
Field Trips (TBD) English Cost of Book Marketing $5.00 PLTW $10.00
Human Studies $10.00 Sciences $10.00
Math Cost of Workbook Computer Fee $50.00
Wellness $5.00 Welding $10.00
Theatre Arts/Forensics $5.00 Wt. Training $10.00
Greenhouse $10.00 AP Test $94.00
Chemistry $10.00 + cost of workbook
AP Courses $10-$25.00 + cost of workbook
Transcript Requests - First one is free; $3.00 for additional requests
1010 Driver's Permit Form - First one is free; $3.00 for each additional request
Students are reminded that all school policies are in effect during all field trips whether day trips or overnight trips.
Grading System at West High
Grades given at the end of each nine-week period will be determined from daily work, oral and written assignments, and other assignments as determined by the teacher. The teacher will weigh the value of grades given for various assignments within the nine-week period. This procedure will enable the teacher to allow for individual differences in grading. Grades for the term will be determined by averaging the two nine-week averages and the term exam. Progress reports are sent home at the mid-point of each nine-week term.
Students receiving credit for "Honors" classes will have three points added to their final average. Students who complete all criteria of the Advanced Placement contract, to include taking the Advanced Placement test, will have five points added to their final average.
A.... 93-100 B... 85-92 C... 75-84 D... 70-74 F ...Below 70 (no credit given)
The GPA (grade point average) is the average of the letter grade earned in classes, divided by the total number of classes taken. Extra points are earned for taking advanced classes.
• Regular Classes A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0
• Honors Classes A=4.5 B=3.5 C=2.5 D=1.5 F=0
• Advanced Classes A=5 B=4 C=3 D=2 F=0
**Only students who have met all requirements on the day of graduation may participate in graduation exercises and receive their diplomas. Seniors who are placed in the Alternative School during the final 9-weeks of the school will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony.
No social clubs are officially recognized by West High School and are the responsibility of their non-school sponsor. No social club initiations are allowed at West High. No official organization at West High is permitted to initiate new members on or off campus.
Hall Passes
Classroom lanyards are the official hall passes for West High School. Each student is required to carry the lanyard while out of class. This applies to student council members, student aides, and any student who finds it necessary to enter the halls. Any student in the halls without his/her class lanyard may be given in-school suspension.
Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination
The Hamblen County School System prohibits any form of harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination based upon age, religion, disability, race, or national origin. It will be a violation of this policy for any student or employee of the school system to harass, sexually harass, or discriminate against a student or an employee through conduct or communication in any form as defined by this policy. A copy of the complete policy is distributed to every student at the beginning of the school year.
Health Record
Each student's parents or guardian is responsible for providing immunization (shot) records in accordance with Tennessee laws.
Homebound Instruction
If a student is unable to attend school for an acceptable reason for a long period of time (ten days or more), he/she may be eligible for a homebound teacher. A written recommendation from a physician is necessary for consideration to the homebound program. Homebound forms may be obtained in the Director of School's office. The days on homebound instruction are not counted as absences.
School accident insurance is offered at the beginning of each school year in homeroom and at the central office.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Whenever the possibility of uncovering evidence of a criminal nature exists, the principal or his designee may request the assistance of a law enforcement officer to (1) search any area of the school premises, any student, or any motor vehicle on the school premises, or (2) identify or dispose of anything found in the course of a search conducted in accordance with this policy. The involvement of law enforcement officials is encouraged when there is reasonable cause to suspect criminal activity.
The West High Library exists to support and carry out the school's mission. Library hours are from 7:50 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Books may be checked out for a three-week period. Books may be renewed for an additional three weeks, unless it has been listed as "reserved" for another student. A fine of ten cents a day is charged for overdue books. There is no maximum fine. A student will not receive his/her grade card until all fines or lost book payments are cleared.
Any student coming to the library without a teacher must have a pass, signed and dated by his/her teacher. No food or drinks are permitted with the exception of plain, unflavored water. A copier is available to students at a cost of ten cents per copy. Due to the high cost of supplies, all computer printing must be school-related.
• Black/ white copies are ten cents each
• Color- twenty-five cents each
All FX students should rent a locker. Lockers may be rented yearly in the business office for a cost of five dollars. Each student is responsible for the care of his/her own locker and liable for any damage to the locker. Students are also responsible for the contents of the assigned locker. Changing locks or lockers without permission may result in the student being assigned in-school suspension. The school reserves the right to inspect student lockers at any time.
Lost and Found
The Security Office staff operate the lost and found department. Students are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money, expensive jewelry, iPods, cameras, etc. to school. Students are also recommended to not leave other valuables in lockers or in the P.E. dressing rooms. *Morristown West High School is not responsible for articles stolen at school.
The Junior-Senior Prom is an annual event hosted by the junior class. Any eligible Junior or Senior student may invite one guest. All students attending the PROM are required to follow the approved dress code. This dress code will be distributed to the junior and senior class members. However, students who have been expelled, suspended, or placed in the alternative program for disciplinary problems at the time of prom are prohibited from attending. Students should remember that all policies of the Hamblen County School Board are in effect at all school-sponsored events.
Textbooks are available without cost to students as a loan. Hamblen County School System must be reimbursed for any books that are damaged, destroyed, or misplaced. If a student loses a book during the school year, he/she must pay for the lost book before another one can be issued. Classroom teachers and librarians make the decisions regarding book damage. All money for lost or damaged books must be paid in the school bank. Students must pay all debts or fines before they will be allowed to graduate from West High School.
Colleges/universities and scholarship providers will request that students have their school transcripts sent to them as part of the application process. To send a transcript, the student must do the following: Complete a School Transcript Request Form in the Counselor's Office as least 7 (seven) days prior to the date that the transcript is due. Turn the request in to Guidance Secretary. The first transcript requested is free; after the first request, there is a $3.00 processing fee for each transcript requested.
To facilitate a search which is found to be necessary, metal detectors and other devices designed to indicate the presence of dangerous weapons, drug paraphernalia, or drugs may be used in searches, including hand-held models which are passed over and around a student's body, and students may be required to pass through a stationary device. Dogs or other animals trained to detect drugs by odor, or otherwise, may be used in searches, but such animals shall be used only to pinpoint areas needed to be searched. In determining when a search is necessary, the principal may consider reports from faculty members, students, and other sources.
Student Parking
Parking on school property is a privilege. Certain conditions are attached to that privilege. Students who fail to uphold those conditions will be subject to loss of parking privileges. The conditions are as follows:
• Students must register any vehicle they intend to drive to school. Upon registry a fee is required, and a parking permit will be issued. Only registered vehicles will be allowed to be parked on campus.
• The permit should be displayed prominently.
• Students are not to be in the parking areas unless they are coming to or leaving school (signed out through the office), or unless they have permission from an administrator, unless they are involved in a school-sponsored or approved activity, which legitimately allows them to leave.
• Students must always be able to furnish proof of identity and proof or permission to leave or enter campus.
• Students will not be assigned parking spaces. They will be assigned to a specific lot that will be first come first serve in regards to parking spaces.
• No car is to be parked in the inner circles in front or on the south side of the building. These spaces are reserved for the faculty. The first row of the auditorium parking lot is reserved for faculty.
• No car is to be parked on the grass, on any curb, or on a sidewalk. Students are to obey all traffic signs and markings on campus.
• Students are not to litter the parking lot.
• Speeding or reckless driving is prohibited.
• Students must leave their parked automobiles and enter the building when they arrive at school. They are not allowed to sit in a parked automobile.
The school is not responsible for accidents or damages to automobiles in the parking lot. Failure to obey these conditions could result in loss of driving privileges for the remainder of the term or for six weeks, whichever is greater. STUDENTS WHO MISS MORE THAN THREE DAYS IN A NINE WEEKS GRADING PERIOD WITHOUT A MEDICAL EXCUSE OR FUNERAL EXCUSE WILL LOSE DRIVING PRIVILEGES FOR THE NEXT NINE WEEKS.
Parking and Vehicle Registration
All students who desire to drive to school must purchase a parking permit sticker at a cost of $15. Students must register the make, model, color, year, license plate number and proof of insurance of each vehicle driven on campus. Failure to register your vehicle could result in loss of driving privileges, fines, or placement on an assertive discipline level.
1010 Driver's Permit Forms
Students must have a current updated emergency form on file before a 1010 form can be issued. The first form is free; each additional form is $3.00.
Hamblen County Schools provided bus transportation to all students. Bus routes and schedules are available from the Department of Transportation (586-2013). For conduct expectations on school transportation search for "Bus Conduct" in the students section at
If a student plans on taking a different bus home (with a friend), the student must bring a written note from a parent or guardian to the office that morning with the
• Child's name
• Child's name they are going home with
• Bus number they intend to ride
• Parent/Guardian name
• Parent/Guardian phone number
A secretary will call you to verify the note. A special form will be filled out by a secretary and given to your child to give to the bus driver.
All visitors must report to the Security Office. All visitors must have permission from the Security Office and a Visitor's Pass to be in any section of the school building at anytime before, during, or after school hours except to attend approved scheduled activities. Due to safety and health precautions, students are not allowed to bring preschoolers or babies to school.
The Superintendent of Schools will be responsible for the overall implementation and supervision of the Board's Code of Behavior and Discipline. He will ensure that students at all schools are subject to uniform and fair application of the code. The principal (or designee) of each school will be responsible for implementation and administration at his/her school. He/she will apply the code uniformly and fairly to each student at the school without partiality and discrimination.
Mandatory Discipline: It is generally understood to mean that certain disciplinary infractions will result in mandatory discipline. Tennessee statutes include the following student misbehaviors, which fall within these provisions:
• Bringing to school or being in unauthorized possession on school property of a weapon as defined by federal law; or
• Unlawfully possessing any narcotic or stimulant drug, prescription drug, or any other controlled substance; or
• Committing battery upon any paid employee, contracted personnel, volunteer, or school resource officer of the local education agency.
The punishment for these offenses must be expulsion from school for one calendar year. The Director of Schools may, on a case-by case basis, alter the mandatory expulsion based on individual circumstances, but not in an arbitrary manner. Special education students who violate the provisions of this policy will be disciplined in accordance with state and federal law.
Student Code of Behavior
Classroom Assertive Discipline Plan - A student's most direct and frequent contact is with the classroom teacher. All students will be expected to adhere to the rules established under the Classroom Assertive Discipline Plan and/or social contract in each individual classroom. When a student has a problem the following steps should be followed in trying to solve the problem:
1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Be in your seat with all required materials ready to work when the bell rings.
3. Keep hands, feet, objects and inappropriate comments to yourself.
4. The teacher dismisses the class- NOT THE BELL!
Consequences in the Classroom
First Consequence-Warning
Second Consequence-15 Minute Detention
Third Consequence-30 Minute Detention
Fourth Consequence-Parent Contact and 30-Minute Detention
Fifth Consequence-Office Referral
*Severe Disruption in the Classroom: Student will be sent immediately to an administrator. This is defines as an overt refusal to follow the teacher's instructions, fighting, vandalism, and behavior which prevents learning to take place in the classroom.
Administrative Assertive Discipline Plan
The purpose of this plan is to establish a clear and consistent hierarchy of punishment to enable the administration to deal promptly and fairly with students who violate school rules. It is also the purpose of this discipline plan to establish a safe and orderly school environment in which the rights of all students are protected, and the efforts of teachers to manage their classroom so learning can occur are supported. The hierarchy of punishments ranges from the less severe of detention or In-School Suspension (ALP) to the more severe Out of School Suspension (OSS), Alternative School Placement, or Expulsion.
It is our opinion that although expulsion is a matter with serious implications for the student and his family, it is a step in which circumstances may prove necessary. Most referrals come from teachers as a result of a violation of their classroom discipline plans. The referral would be as a result of either a severe classroom disruption; or the student would have committed five violations of the rules in ONE PARTICULAR CLASS. At either of these two points, the student would be referred to an administrator.
1st REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATOR is up to 1 day of ALP, OSS, Alternative School placement or expulsion. Expulsion with parent contact by phone, letter or meeting, and guidance and referral to guidance and behavior contract (optional).
2nd REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATOR is up to 2 days of ALP, OSS. Alt. School placement with parent contact by phone or letter and behavior contract (optional)
3rd REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATOR is up to 3 days of ALP, OSS, Alternative School placement or expulsion with recommended parent contact, behavior contract (opt)
4th REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATOR is up to 4 days of OSS, Alternative School Orientation, parent contact and optional behavior contract.
5th REFERRAL TO ADMINISTRATOR is OSS pending placement in the Alternative School or recommendation for expulsion. (If a student has already been placed in the alternative school during his/her high school career, the student would receive OSS pending expulsion.)
Alcohol: Students will not possess, distribute, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, in school buildings or on school grounds or in school vehicles or buses or at any school-sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds. The penalty for first offense violation of the alcohol policy will be placement in the alternative school for ninety days. After completing 45 days in the alternative school, students may request, through the director of schools, admittance to the regular school program. The director/designee may reduce the placement to time served upon satisfactory proof of all the following:
1. Completion of the 45 "good" day alternative school program.
2. Twenty hours community service (approved by the alternative school principal).
3. An alcohol/drug counseling and education program that would include the effects and consequences of alcohol use on personal health and safety (approved by alternative school principal). Parents/students would be responsible for any expenses for counseling and community service.
Drugs: Students will not possess, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs (e.g., schedule drugs as defined by state law) or drugs for which they do not have a prescription in school buildings or on school grounds or in school vehicles or buses or at any school sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds. Upon information that a student has indeed violated board policy, the principal will notify the student's parent or guardian and the appropriate law enforcement officials. Unlawfully possessing or being under the influence of any narcotic or stimulant drug, prescription drug, or any other controlled substance, including but not limited to marijuana, will result in the student being expelled for one calendar year (See Policy JC). If found is guilty of distributing and/or selling such substances, a student will be subject to extended expulsion. If a student violates this policy while assigned to the alternative school, he/she will be subject to expulsion from the school system for a minimum of one calendar year from the date of infraction. Students will not possess, market, or distribute any substance which is represented to be or is substantially similar in color, shape, size or markings to a controlled substance in school buildings or on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds. The penalty for possession, marketing, or distribution of such substances shall result in placement of student in the alternative school.
***If a student violates the alcohol policy a second time or while assigned to the alternative school, he/she will be subject to expulsion from the school system for a minimum of one calendar year from the date of infraction.
Prescription/ Non-prescription Drugs: For all prescription and nonprescription drugs, a written request (JGCB - Exhibits 2,3) must be obtained from the office in order to request that the medication be given during school hours. No medication of any kind can be given to students until this information is completed and returned to the school. All non-prescription medication needs to be in manufacturer's original container with the child's name attached to the container. Prescription medication must be in the original, pharmacy-labeled container. It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to ensure that the written request and medication are brought directly to the school office. Students who do not follow these provisions will be subject to the provisions and guidelines of his/her school's assertive discipline policy.
Cell Phone Policy: Students are permitted to carry their cell phones on their person. They may be used during class changes and in the cafeteria. They may only be used in the classroom with teacher approval
• 1st offense - Warning
• 2nd offense - level on the assertive discipline plan, 1 day of ALP and 7 day storage of the phone. Parent or guardian can collect the phone for $20 before the 7 days are up.
• 3rd offense - level on the assertive discipline plan, 3 days of ALP and 14 day storage of phone. Parent or guardian can collect the phone for $50 before the 14 days are up.
• 4th offense - placement at the alternative school for 45 days.
Assault Policy: Any physical assault by a student on an employee of the Hamblen County Board of Education shall result in expulsion for one (1) year, with possible petition to court. According to T.C.A. 49-6-4301, any teacher observing or having knowledge of an assault and battery or vandalism which endangers life, health, or safety which is committed by a student on school property is to report the action immediately to the principal of the school. The principal having knowledge of an assault and battery or vandalism endangering life, health, or safety committed by a student on school property or who receives a report of such action is to report such action immediately to the local Police Department or the Sheriff's Department.
Battery Policy (JCB): Any battery by a student on a paid employee, contracted personnel, volunteer, or school resource officer will result in expulsion for one year. According to TCA 49-6-4301, any teacher who observes or has knowledge of said incident must report it immediately to the principal. The principal must report immediately to the local police or sheriff's department. The School Board may consider the initiation of a petition to juvenile court to protect the interest of students, employees or property.
Bullying Policy: The goals of the anti-bullying program within our school district set forth by the Hamblen County Board of Education are:
• To promote a secure and safe environment, free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior.
• To take positive action to prevent bullying from occurring
• To inform parents and students of the school's expectations
• To foster a productive partnership which helps to maintain a bully-free environment.
• To make staff members aware of their role in fostering the knowledge and attitudes that will be required to achieve the above.
Bullying can be defined as repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others by individuals or groups. Bullying takes many forms and can include but not limited to these behaviors: physical violence and attacks; verbal taunts, name-calling, put-downs, including ethnically-based verbal abuse and gender-based put-downs; threats and intimidation; extortion or stealing of money and/ or possessions; exclusion from the peer group. Any student found guilty of any of these behaviors will be placed on the appropriate level of the assertive discipline plan. (JGFFA)
Care of School Property: Students are responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, and furniture supplied by the school. Students who disfigure property, break windows, or cause damage to school property or equipment will be required to pay for the damage or to replace the item. Disciplinary action will also be taken. Steps may include recommending the filing of a civil complaint in court to recover the damage. The district MAY also withhold grades, diploma, and/or transcript of the student until the damages are cleared.
Class Cut Policy: Class attendance is necessary for successful academic achievement at West High School. Therefore, class cuts will not be allowed. The following procedure will be used by the administration when a student is present at school but misses a class without permission. Class cuts will be accumulated from all classes. First Offense: One hour detention Second Offense: Two hour detention Third Offense: Administrative Level
Disrespect Policy: In cases of general disrespect, the consequence is up to ten days ALP or out-of-school suspension. In cases of severe disrespect, or in the threatening of an employee, the minimum consequence for first offense will be ten days out-of-school suspension and/or placement in the Alternative School or expulsion and/or petition to court. Second offense will result in placement in the Alternative School or expulsion and/or petition to court.
Drivers' License Policy/ Procedures: Any student fifteen (15) years of age or older who becomes academically deficient or deficient in attendance will be reported to the Tennessee Department of Safety for driver's license revocation. A student shall be deemed academically deficient if he/she has not received passing grades in at least two (2) full unit subjects or their equivalency at the end of the grading term. A student shall be deemed deficient in attendance when he/she drops out of school or has ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) days total unexcused absences during a single term. Suspensions shall be considered unexcused absences. A copy of the notice sent to the Tennessee Department of Safety by the attendance teacher or the superintendent shall also be mailed to the student's parent or guardian.
Extreme Physical Contact Policy: No extreme physical contact that simulates explicit sexual conduct is permitted.
• First Offense: 45 day placement in alternative school with referral for mandated consultation with school counselor.
• Second Offense: One-year placement in alternative school with mandated consultation with school counselor.
• Third Offense: One year expulsion from the Hamblen County Schools
Explicit Sexual Conduct Policy: No explicit sexual conduct or sex act will be permitted.
• First Offense: One-year placement in alternative school with mandated consultation with school counselor
• Second Offense: One year expulsion from Hamblen County Schools
Hallways Policy: Students shall not be in the hallways during class without a pass from their classroom teacher. Students out of class without a pass will be escorted back to their respective classes. Students should always ask the teacher to issue a pass prior to their leaving the classroom. Students should be in the hallway during class for emergencies only or on official classroom business. Students who violate this policy shall receive the following discipline: The hall pass at West High School is our West High agenda book.
Leaving School Grounds: Students arriving on school property by way of school bus, by automobile, or by walking are prohibited from leaving school grounds without administrative permission even if the first period has not yet started.
• First Offense: Assertive Discipline Level and warning that next offense driving privileges will be canceled if applicable.
• Second Offense: 30 days loss of driving, if applicable, and Assertive Discipline Level.
• Third Offense: Loss of Driving for remainder of term, Assertive Discipline Level; will need to apply for and pay again if student wants to drive the next term.
Physical Contact Policy: No inappropriate display of affection between students is permissible. Students who violate this policy shall receive the following discipline: First Offense: Warning, parent notification; Second and Subsequent Offenses: Placement on Assertive Discipline Hierarchy.
Profanity Policy: The use of profane or vulgar language is prohibited on the grounds of Hamblen County Schools. First Offense: Warning and parent notification. Any Offense: Placement on Assertive Discipline Hierarchy
Tobacco Policy: Use and/or possession of all tobacco products by students are prohibited in all school buildings, on the school campus, and on school transportation vehicles during school hours. School hours shall be interpreted to mean the period of time beginning with the first bus pickup and/or arrival at school in the morning and ending with the last bus drop and/or departure from school in the afternoon. This policy also applies to all school bus trips. E-Cigarettes are considered violation of the tobacco policy as well.
Students who violate this policy shall receive the following discipline:
EACH OFFENSE will result in the assignment of a level on the Assertive Discipline Plan and receive a citation to Juvenile Court.
For the purpose of implementing the non-smoking policy, no two or more persons shall occupy a bathroom stall at any one time. According to the Youth Access to Tobacco Act, any student who violates the tobacco policy will be referred to Juvenile Court. In addition, each violation will be added as a step on the assertive discipline plan. Reference: T.C.A. 39-17-1501 et. Seq.
Student Dress Code: It is the board's belief that a learning atmosphere is maintained when students wear clothing that is neat, modest, moderate, and decent, and that does not draw attention to the individual rather than the learning environment. In matters of opinion, the judgment of principals, exercised in a reasonable manner, will prevail. All students in Grades 9-12 must follow the following standardized dress:
SLACKS, BLUE JEANS, PANTS - Pants will be neat and worn at the waistline. Pants will be hemmed. No holes above the knees will be permitted.
LEGGINGS, JEGGINGS, and YOGA PANTS - These clothing choices may only be worn if the shirt or dress worn with them comes to the middle of the thigh or lower.
SKIRTS, DRESSES - Skirts and dresses will be a minimum length of mid-thigh. Skirts and dresses with a pleat or vent will be permitted if the top of the split or vent is no higher than mid-thigh. No wrap-around skirts shall be permitted. Skirts will be hemmed.
SHORTS - Walking or Dress shorts will be permitted and will be a minimum length of mid-thigh. Shorts will be hemmed.
SHIRTS, BLOUSES - Tank tops or halter-tops will not be permitted. Shirts will not have written slogans or messages that contain advertisement of drugs or alcohol. Shirts will not contain vulgar or sexually explicit messages (direct or implied). Shirts will not contain any messages, slogans, or symbols that promote racial discord or are related to gang activity. Sleeveless shirts will cover the area from the base of the neck to the edge of the shoulder and will fit appropriately around the underarm. Shirts and blouses will be an appropriate length, coming to the top of pants, shorts, or skirts at all times.
JACKETS - Biker jackets, trench coats, and large bulky jackets will not be permitted.
WINDSUITS AND WARM-UP SUITS - Nylon wind suits will be permitted.
FOR ALL APPAREL - Clothing must be neat. No holes, rips, or tears will be allowed in any wearing apparel. Clothing will fit properly and will not be unreasonably tight or unreasonably baggy. Students will wear appropriate undergarments and they will not be visible. Women will wear a bra.
SHOES - All students will wear shoes.
HATS- No headwear of any type will be worn inside the buildings. Hair bows and barrettes will be permitted, provided if appropriate size and color
HAIR - Hair will be worn in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process and does not call attention to the individual.
JEWELRY - Facial jewelry will be limited to the ear. Three earrings per ear will be permitted. Nose piercings are not permitted.
TATTOOS - Tattoos will not contain written slogans or messages that exhibit references to drugs or alcohol. Tattoos will not contain vulgar or sexually explicit messages (direct or implied). Tattoos will not contain any symbol that promotes racial discord or is related to gang activity.
SYMBOLISM - The board prohibits the display of any symbol on school property or on any object (such as a book bag, automobile, school locker, etc.) that promotes racial discord or is related to gang activity. OTHER- Principals have the right to take appropriate actions to correct any student whose clothing or appearance, while not specifically covered by this policy, is considered by said principal to be out of compliance with the board's stated goal or to be disruptive to the educational process.
These policies are not exhaustive and are to be considered the minimum standard for dress. The administration reserves the right to have students change or modify their clothing choices when those choices are questionable and/or distracting to the classroom or school operations.